
Christina Miller Photography

Inspire your clients through photographic content, Connect with others through imagery, Grow your business, So you can THRIVE! Do you feel like your business needs to take the next step? Is something missing from your online presence? Has your business hit a plateau and you don't know what to do? Here's the big question for you.... Are you showing the world WHO you are and WHY you are amazing? I am here to walk you through step by step, to build your own PERSONAL BRANDING photo portfolio. We will take some time to get to know each other, I will get to know your story, your business(es) and how we can, together, show the world how AMAZING and UNIQUE you truly are. Photos tell a story - what’s yours? In addition to personal branding photography, I also deeply enjoy Sacramental Photography within King, Snohomish, and Skagit counties, as well as in Los Angeles county during certain parts of the year. I strive for authenticity and minimalism and I aim to maintain a holistic pro-life approach to my business. I use plant friendly business practices and encourage healthy and eco-friendly ways of life, as it's our duty to be stewards of the beautiful planet we live on. What does a holistic pro-life approach look like? During phone calls, you may hear my kids in the background. During video calls, you may see one pop in and say hi. I may be inconsistent with responding back at times - I don't hold actual consistent office hours. I tend to my kids when they need me, and I tend to my work when I am able to, throughout the day. I will welcome kids of all ages during any and all stages of our communication and professional relationship. HAVE YOUR KIDS WITH YOU! Do not apologize for loud noises on the phone, or not getting back to me quickly, or for your stained shirt or crazy hair. I've got you. We all need support and a tribe that understands children and family life.